Kiss me where your eyes won’t meet me

AS/A Level music class 2009 on the last day of school:

Super glad to be on study leave, so I don’t have to pretend like I’m actually attempting some form of revision in class – when I’m really too hell-bent on sussing out my upcoming weekend or some other form of social life. Life has been such, until yesterday, when I finally began studying for my first exam, which is next Monday. Which is then to be followed by my worst subject/paper, on Wednesday. Please shoot me now. And I’m not quite sure why I always seem to be lying across several people in photos – this one sort of looks like a re-enactment of my 17th birthday last year. Which… thinking about it now, is a ridiculously long time ago.

I’m not sure where the last week of freedom just went. Other people on study leave have been working ten times harder and longer than they had at school, ever. Meanwhile, day in, night out has pretty much been my inverted cycle of life. Drank some, danced some, drove a whole lot – the other night I went and rescued some friends who had compleeeeeeeeeeeeetely run out of petrol… that was rather disastrous for them, especially since they hadn’t invited me to their intimate do-up it was quite humiliating, I suspect. Needless to say, I wasn’t entirely bubbly at 2am, but I was keen on a late night drive with a friend anyway, so that was simply an excuse.

Us girls will never now how we make you boys feel.

And this is why I choose to drive instead of hitch a ride

My mother was an avid advocate of me attaining my license bright and early. With the legal driving age (beginning at a learner’s license) yet to be changed from 15 here in NZ, I’ve had my full driver’s license for well over a year now (had it since I was 17) – which means, on paper, I’m as qualified to drive as someone who has been driving for decades. I just saw these two videos which are being shown in the UK as an attempt to deter teenagers from txt-driving – they really need to start showing similar ones here, what with the huge amount of txt-drivers (regardless of the law change this November). This is a huge contributing factor as to why I often choose to drive over hitching a ride. Too often I’ve been in a car where the driver suddenly whips out their phone and starts txting/reading txt messages… it’s truly scary especially a particular occasion where we were travelling at 70kph on a 50k zone.

Cover Me (Slowly)

I only just realised that my supposedly published blog post from last Friday was never published at all. But seeing as it’s all irrelevant and silly now I can’t be bothered going back to publishing it. So now it’s become my 27th draft post.

Anyway, I’ve been procrastinating from catching up on my mountains of homework for ages and, in between my darting from various accounts – facebook, twitter,, etc… – I’ve just been reminded of how easy it is to net-stalk me (not that I’m implying that anyone would ever want to, but I’ve had friends that have done that to me before, so…). Afterall, like most people, I would think, I have a handful of usernames that I generally sign up to things under, so it’s quite easy to follow my trail on the internet. I’m not hugely bothered by this, although I’ve suddenly become quite paranoid that the slightly illegal, urhm, shenanigans that we get up to may someday come back to bite us in the arse.

For example – and I can’t believe I never got around to rambling about my 18th, but my little brothers* acquired me “Amanda Lane”. I should explain now that Amanda Lane is a street at a place called Snells Beach a few hours up north from Auckland (popular holiday area), and earlier this year during summer break I had a jazz gig up there at the local cafe/bar/restaurant, and it was then that some of my mates who had rented out a holiday house there informed me of Amanda Lane’s existence and I subsequently went and photographed the street sign. A little digging around on facebook will show you that some 16 year olds’ 5 hours’ illegal late-night drive later, it is now mine. I have to admit, touched and beaming from ear to ear is a far-fetched euphemism when I dug through an entire refrigerator box’s worth of more carboard boxes to unravel such a peculiar birthday present. Kudos guys… this is going to be hard to top.

Oh and I almost forgot my title reference – been listening to Deerhunter, after reading them all over the gig guide, internet and undertheradar… think I might go to their gig in a couple of weeks. $40 for a great Monday night. Hmm… weekday + sister’s 16th the next day though. Gah.

*little brothers being my best mate (Chris – basically my big brother, year older)’s little brother (Stu- year younger) & his mate (Ed).