I am so happy to announce that, after sleepless nights of battling with resizing photos, digging out old albums and trawling through then endless folders of my photos, I’m officially launching

Whilst in the process, I found photos that I had long forgotten about, prime examples being:

Alex Freer, Artisan Guns Hearts EP Release. I remember squinting like a mofo to get the perfect focal point. Auto-focus is useless at gigs!

Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, Taipei, 2010.

Taken on Kodak Colour Reversal film with a Nikon F3, early 2008.

I wrote full lyrics for a song the other night, of which I’m quite proud, but I’m afraid this post is just too littered with random photos to give it any justice if I were to add it to the end. Here’s a compilation of last Wednesday night:

– Sinead’s first time driving into town
– Lottie debuting a dress I’ve been harassing her to wear for months and months
– Me scrambling to shower and get dressed after some very hot and sweaty hockey games. Luckily I saw no blood that night.
Highlight of the night: watching 5 boys fail miserably at flat tire-changing attempts in the McDonald’s carpark! We watched for about half an hour whilst pigging out, then left in fits of girly giggles.
– Charlotte’s anchor deserved to be posted on its own at the bottom!


Oh, and how could I forget? Hats off to Dan Carter + Le Bron James shot 3 consecutive 3 pointers within a minute and a half against the Clippers today + my cat stole my side of the bed…

A beach, a tournament and music nationals

I’m not sure exactly what happened to my blog in the week/ends that I was away in Rotorua, but somehow it has nicely resurrected itself upon my return. A blow-by-blow (sorry, couldn’t resist, I copped too many hits to the hand, arms and legs with endless blood and skin loss to not use that term) account of tournament is just far beyond me right now, and to be frank, coming 14th isn’t too exciting. Although, I’m proud to say we only lost to the team who won the Marie Fry cup by 3-1.

The first set of photos are from the Friday night before I left – Angie and I went with our geeky boys to see District 9 – and I have to admit, after having seen the first 20minutes at a friends house on a pirated file, I couldn’t take the first half of the movie seriously. But then it got darker, deeper, and I was almost reduced to curling in my seat. The real fun only began when most of us parted ways, but Freddy, William, Joel and I were adamant that we weren’t going to return home without getting up so some form of shenanigans. It started off with us lying in the middle of Joel’s street. I was determined to get a photo of it, so we acquired William’s camera and ended up heading for a stroll along the beach. The huge downer was that his camera was desperately lacking in battery power, so all the shots we came up with were pretty funny since no one knew what was going to show up until the photo had been taken, nor did the shutter go off when we wanted it to.

The one on the right shows me wincing in surprise as Joel suddenly sat down when the flash went off; and the bottom left, according to Michael, looks like an album cover. I’ll salute to that.

I’ve included a couple of pics from tournament – my warpaint from our last game, luge lifts; and Concert Band National/North Island Festival – our school got 6 straight gold awards! And dammit, the far bottom right picture ended up being the wrong one… in my haste I mis-compiled it… it was meant to be a far, far funnier one. Oops.

“Hey guys… Asians share their food…”

The ride down to Rotorua from Auckland was reasonably easy; I’d slipped in and out of unconsciousness listening to my ipod whilst thinking “wait… I never heard the end of that song…”, but the one upside to having been tardy to school was that I landed the front passenger’s seat in the second of the two minivans that we’d taken down.

Dinner, however, was a different story. Much to my surprise and horror, we rocked up to a place called… New Zealand Gourmet Food or something – which turned out to be a Chinese restaurant promoting veal – with a couple of taxidermised deer around the place for decoration! Ordering food was quite a fiasco. For once I felt such an asian, and I had to explain to everyone that, no, they shouldn’t order a dish each because in asian restaurants the portions are designed to be shared – “that’s why the thing in the middle of the table that you guys keep playing with spins, you know”, haha. Mind you, the funny thing about dinner was that it turned out to be the most Chinese food I’d ever eaten, since we ordered mostly “safe” food, like (way too much) fried rice, and chicken dishes.

Highlight of the day so far: we had to push-start the van after dinner!

Last underage post – MY CAR GOT BROKEN INTO

I am LIVID. More than livid.

I cannot be bothered with the details as to how my car got broken into, but now I am short a wallet (license, etc etc etc!) and ipod. And I’m FURIOUS. My license is my ID and I’m turning 18 in one day. Now I’m going to have to use my passport for couple of weeks before I get a new license sent to me. Great.

As if spraining my ankle at training yesterday morning and missing out on the hardest game of the season wasn’t bad enough already.

Ironically, my car was broken into whilst mum and I were purchasing my birthday present. !@#$%^&*(-+

Well… this is going to be my last underage post, cos I simply just don’t have time tomorrow before I turn 18. In fact, if nothing goes to plan, I may even be late to my own birthday party… fail week.

I’m just going to take this as a sign that everything can and will only go uphill from here! See you on the other side!

“Hearing my name creep outta your lips”

Wow, I’ve only had 3 hours of sleep in the past 30+ hours, so I’ll try and keep this snappy. Today was monumental in three ways –

1/ My AS Music exam is over! I have such an awful habit of leaving studying to the last minute – and stayed up until 4am freaking out about it. The moment of either doom or relief dawned upon me at 9am. 2 hours and 16 pages later I exited with a shaky hand and was left wondering just how “average” my result will be. Considering I screwed up my recital performance component, I’ll need about 97% in the written exam today to get an A grade overall.

2/ I’m proud to say that the U15b Girls Hockey team that I help coach (and ref and drive around to games and let my old uniform to) had a great win tonight over Epsom Girls Grammar School. I can’t remember if the final score was 2-nil or 3-nil or whatever; regardless, it was a happy evening, despite getting lost in the dark on the way home from the ‘away’ venue.

3/ Being ‘with’ someone has taken on a new meaning. It’s not about spending (or in some cases wasting) so much time on one another that everything else suffers; not about the sleepless, tearful nights trying to convince someone of trivial matters in arguments I don’t remember – and don’t want to remember – anymore. I’m happy now, my guy is an add-on to my life, not a sacrifice, we complement, not subtract.

Completely irrelevantly though, a friend I haven’t caught up with in ages just sent me a song he recorded – it’s fucking amazing, I might play bass for him (title line is one of my fave lines from it).

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