these days are scraped from ceilings

It was so nice to read the handful of comments/emails that I got in the last post — and really lovely to know that I provoked some thought with regards to goals and bucket lists. I guess those things can get stagnant and we all need new perspectives to formulate motivations sometimes. Something that I am lacking right now. I really shouldn’t be blogging right now, but I enjoy it so much more than writing the essays which I have due in next to no time, ahhh!

I had spent the virtually the entire weekend camped out in the boy’s room, bashing my head with books, trying to come up with these essays in time. But all I want to do is gush gush gush because – GUESS WHO’S GOING TO SEE THE YEAH YEAH YEAHS TWICE?! And I am not joking when I say that I have been jumping, dancing, leaping around the room singing them at the top of my lungs. Driving to them. Writing, eating, loving, procrastinating, prancing around to them. You have NO IDEA how over the moon/giddy/happy/ecstatic/crazy/hyper I am about this. The boy and I decided “oh why not” when they announced their only Big Day Out side show in Sydney. So we’ve decided to fly to Sydney, then train down to Melbourne for BDO and Laneway. That’s the rough plan, at least. Nothing’s been planned nor booked except the concert tickets at this stage, but we are 100% committed to going.

Can I just say it again?! I AM GOING TO SEE THE YEAH YEAH YEAHS TWICE!!! And Animal Collective! We are seeing them in Auckland before we leave for Sydney. Essentially, we are seeing the boy’s favourite band, and my favourite band – twice. It is going to be the absolute best week of my life I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I will see the band that I’ve been listening to for half my life – twice in ONE WEEK. And if you think about it, half my life is a decade! Ten years! I remember being eleven and discovering “Miles Away”, then thinking I was so badass for getting away with listening to “Bang”. The rest is history. When I’m done with all these bloody assignments (and probably exams too), I will have to do a comprehensive post about my love for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. As if it wasn’t obvious enough already…

In the meantime, I had finally finished up a really old roll of film on my point-and-shoot and gotten it developed. It’s got lots of other good times on there that I’m going to spread out posting because I sure as hell do not get to party again any time soon. Apart from perhaps a sneaky few hours at hockey prizegiving this Saturday… So in memory of times much more carefree and deeper sleeps – all taken on Kodak UltraMax 400 film:


  1. cantaloupe September 25, 2012

    It would be even better if you were seeing them three times. Mostly because of their name. I’m going to pretend it’s three times. Winkface.

  2. Stephanie September 26, 2012

    If the concert tickets are booked, then there is no turning back. You will make the trip happen! I have actually never bothered to listen to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs until now, and they are great! Go have a good time!

  3. Elaine September 29, 2012

    Awww shiiii!! I’m so excited for you! I saw the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s a couple of years ago, and they were fantastic. “Laneway” as in St. Jerome’s Laneway Festival? If so, then booya to you once more. I’ve only gone to the one in Sydney and twice at that. And BDO TOO?! Girl, you’re committed, I’ll give you that! I’ll be heading to BDO as well, haven’t got the tickets yet (oh, financial woes!) but I’m definitely planning on being there.

    Get your assignments done! I should follow my own advice (re. my book blog – when I should be assignment-ing!!). Study hard, the end is near!

  4. […] show as well. It’s a super early present of some description but oh well. In conjunction with the other shows I mentioned last week, January is shaping up to be SERIOUS PARTY […]

  5. […] couple of weeks ahead of us, and I can’t wait to see Amanda again in a couple of nights! I first mentioned the trip mooonths ago, and now the day is finally upon us. In two sleeps’ time I will see my favourite band who I […]


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